Welcome to Your

Healing Place

With Dr. Stephanie Reid, PhD.

Welcome to the official website of Dr. Stephanie Reid, PhD.

Hi, I'm Dr. Stephanie, a health life coach, and the founder of Your Healing Place and the author of the book on transformational healing, "From Panic to Empowerment".

I am the only “Natural Health Coach” you will find in the entire United States that uses the RESULT™ method to move clients From Panic to Empowerment. Getting the results for you is what I want most for me. That’s why this is Your Healing Place!

The best way to get to know more about our health life coach is to schedule a Zoom Wellness Consult using the scheduling tab or, connect with me from the contact page. I’d like to tell you all about the RESULT™ method.

Zyto Scan ~ Virtual Service

This system allows us to determine Bio Preference, meaning the body can tell what it needs and what will bring it back to balance.

Technology is available to do just that and we have it at Your Healing Place. Zyto technology is a very helpful healing tool for bringing the body back to balance, which can reduce and eliminate the need for harmful prescription drugs, side effects, and potentially deadly symptoms.

The Zyto system gives us the precise remedies and services needed without guessing, ensuring you get what you need every time.

NOTICE: Due to COVID all Zyto scanning is done virtually. You must purchase your own Zyto hand cradle to participate in the virtual services plans

Bundle Up Service

Bundle Up Service

The Bundle Up Program is our newest and most innovative service to date. It offers several options to jump-start your body’s innate healing ability for a flat rate. Since the services are non-invasive and offer a wealth of information to get your health on the right track fast; why drag it out? Like many, you recognize the need to take better care of yourself from a holistic perspective.

If you need a good natural health coach to walk you through the process, this package is for you. During your recorded zoom coaching session, you will discover new insights that can be implemented immediately. Connecting related services has proven to give remarkable results in a short time.

Detox & Hair TissueAnalysis + Coaching

Detox & Hair Tissue Analysis + Coaching

Bundle Up Service

Bundle Up Service

Since 2022 is the year of self-mastery, self-discovery, and self-awareness; we believe bundling services puts you on the clear path to wholeness fast! If you have been suffering from fatigue, insomnia, and poor bowel function leading to bloating and constipation, the mineral detox bundle service can not only offer clues to the problem but also offer a potential solution for your body to rapidly heal itself. Want to know the exact diet for your biochemistry?

Discover the hidden toxic elements not found in your blood test! This bundle gives 2 HTA services for you to retest, checking out how much you've improved!

Since 2021 is the year of self-mastery,self-discovery,and self-awareness; we believe bundling services puts you on the clear path to wholeness fast! If you have been suffering from fatigue, insomnia and poor bowel function leading to bloating and constipation, the mineral detox bundle service can not only offer clues to the problem but also offer a potential solution for your body to rapidly heal itself. Want to know the exact diet for your biochemistry? Discover the hidden toxic elements not found in your blood test! This bundle gives 2 HTA services for you to retest,checking out how much you've improved!

Two Hair Tissue Analysis + Coaching

Two Hair Tissue Analysis + Coaching

Detoxification Programs

There are toxins in our air, water, and food. Pesticides, preservatives, and even food coloring create obstacles for the body to restore itself. In addition, cellular debris and waste from parasites make it difficult to digest food and get rid of it waste-leaving the body toxic, the belly bloated, and the bowels clogged.

At Your Healing Place, we strive to provide the best options for true healing by sharing with clients the understanding of how the body heals. The first healing strategy is detoxification. By starting all new clients on the Opening Channels detoxification program, everyone starts at the point that offers the highest potential for self-healing

Exploring the Dimensions of Wellness Audio book

Moving From Panic to Empowerment AUDIOBOOK Many people are looking for relief from serious wellness blocks. Let's face it, any dis-ease that leaves you feeling hopeless is a recipe for panic, especially if you've tried everything you knew to find balance. At Your Healing Place, there is a "movement." A profound concept about healing that you may be missing is the idea that you are a spirit, mind & body. Your wellness potential is intertwined with that reality. If there is any disconnection, the dis-ease will prevail. Each client is encouraged to read the book From Panic to Empowerment. The insights help you jump into your innate healing potential and sets the stage for unforgettable coaching sessions from our health life coach. Enjoy access to the FREE audiobook Audio Book Link.

From Panic to Empowerment Course

Wellness requires learning! Offering coaching services and courses help clients maximize the benefit of using natural healing strategies by first understanding the most critical part of healing; integration of spirit, mind, and body.

Our online learning platform offers support for learning who you are and how you can be well by just recognizing your current belief system and identifying what you'd love to create in place of your current reality.

​Clients that experience their healing transformation by accessing the superconscious mind go through a mind-blowing process called the RECODE!

Check out the introductory video below and book your session.

When you become a member of the Magnetic Mind coaching program you get assess to a complete University Training platform filled with fascinating content that includes powerful meditations.

"Because you were only looking for physical relief from pain and disease, you may be surprised to find that the journey toward optimal health requires physical lifestyle changes and exploration of the spirit and mind." ~ Dr. Stephanie

Hair Tissue Analysis

Hair Tissue Analysis

The hair tissue analysis otherwise known as the hair follicle test is a test that shows nutritional balance and toxicity. The excess or deficiency of trace minerals in the body is the source of declining health. The status of your trace minerals can be examined by using hair follicle test. The process is as simple as submitting a hair or finger nail sample. Below are some frequently asked questions.


A. Hair tissue analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair. The sampled hair, obtained by cutting the first inch and one-half of growth closest to the scalp at the nape of the neck, is prepared in a licensed clinical laboratory through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.


A. Hair is ideal tissue for sampling and testing. First, it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Second, clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long-term or even acute exposure.

An HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.


  • Thirty to 40 days following an acute exposure, elevated serum levels of lead may be undetectable. This is due to the body removing the lead from the serum as a protective measure and depositing the metal into such tissues as the liver, bones, teeth and hair.
  • Nutrient loss from the body can become so advanced that severe health conditions can develop without any appreciable changes noted in those same nutrient levels in a blood test.
  • Symptoms of elemental deficiency can be present long before low levels can be detected in the serum.
  • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.

Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. A 1980 report from the E.P.A. stated that human hair can be effectively used for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. This report confirmed the findings of other studies in the U.S. and abroad, which concluded that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying community exposure to some trace elements.


A. There are many factors to take into consideration, such as:

DIET – Improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to a chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a “healthy” diet can be inadequate, depending upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.

STRESS – Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients.

MEDICATIONS – Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body's stores of nutrient minerals and/or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin, and oral contraceptives.

POLLUTION – From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), antiperspirants (aluminum), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminum cookware and lead-based cosmetics. These are just a few of the hundreds of sources that can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.

NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS – Taking incorrect supplements or improper amounts of supplements can produce many vitamin and mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, contributing to an overall biochemical imbalance.

INHERITED PATTERNS – A predisposition toward certain mineral imbalances, deficiencies, and excesses can be inherited from parents.


A. Minerals interact not only with each other but also with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Minerals influence each of these factors, and they, in turn, influence mineral status. Minerals act as enzyme activators, and vitamins are synergistic to minerals as coenzymes. It is extremely rare that a mineral disturbance develops without a corresponding disturbance in the synergistic vitamin(s). It is also rare for a disturbance in the utilization or activity of a vitamin to occur without affecting a synergistic mineral(s). For example, vitamin C affects iron absorption and reduces copper retention. Boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 affects the relationship between calcium and magnesium. Vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention, B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption, and vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc while antagonizing vitamins D and E. Protein intake will affect zinc status, etc. Therefore, evaluating mineral status provides good clues of vitamin status and requirements. Continuing research at Trace Elements involves the recognition of many synergistic and antagonistic interrelationships between minerals and vitamins.


A. After hundreds of thousands of hair follicle test, Trace Elements has created a unique system of interpreting hair mineral analysis results. Each test report will provide the clinician with the most complete and comprehensive evaluation and discussion of significant mineral levels, ratios, and toxic metals as tested in the hair. Included is a listing of individual foods and food groups that the doctor can recommend to eat or avoid in accordance with food allergy indicators and individualized metabolic requirements. (Please refer to the Laboratory Services section for details on the Profile #2 test)


A. Hair tissue analysis or hair follicle test is supported by an impressive body of literature in a variety of respected national and international scientific publications. Over the past twenty-five years hair, mineral testing has been extensive. Each year in the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform over 150,000 hair mineral assays for health care professionals interested in an additional screening aid for a comprehensive patient evaluation. This does not take into consideration the thousands of subjects used in numerous continuing research studies conducted by private and government research agencies.

The following illnesses have been associated with mineral imbalances:

  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • High cholesterol, Fatty liver
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hypertension, heart disease
  • Learning disabilities, toxic metal exposure
  • Impaired Thyroid function, hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism
  • Joint Stiffness, Insomnia
  • Colitis, gastritis
  • Hyperactivity, diverticulitis
  • Hair loss, Premature Graying
  • Loss of smell/taste
  • PMS symptoms, Adrenal exhaustion
  • Dermatitis, Eczema
  • Anxiety, depression, insomnia
  • Muscle weakness, kidney damage, incontinence

© 2023| Your Healing Place | Dr. Stephanie Reid, PhD.

© 2021 | Your Healing Place | Dr. Stephanie Reid, PhD.|3216 Batavia Ave, Baltimore, MD 21214